How to Eliminate Fleas in the HomeHaving a flea infestation can be a complete nightmare, especially if you do not catch it early on. It is very important that it is dealt with as soon as possible, to prevent it from becoming an uncontrollable problem. Listed below are some steps that you can take during a flea infestation. Treat Your Pets 1.Bathe your pet – Giving your pet a good thorough bathing may help start to rid them of the fleas. It will also make it easier to use a flea comb and the treatments to come after if they are already clean and happy. 2.Apply oral and topical medication treatments – Make sure to consult your vet before choosing any treatments for your pets. Some may have a reaction to certain types, so it is always best to ask the opinion of a professional that knows your pet best. Make sure that all of your pets are treated within the same span of time, that way they are all protected. It is also important to keep up with preventative treatments every 30 days. 3.Wash bedding – Launder all of your pet’s bedding and blankets, taking extra care to make sure that all of their things get washed at one time. Wrap their bedding up in a clean sheet to keep fleas from getting back onto it. They should remained wrapped up for at least 12 hours after your pet has been treated. 4.Aftercare – It is important to keep your pet inside for as much as you can for the next 30 days. For walks, stick to the pavement to avoid patches of long grass and sand (where fleas typically hang out). Do let them wander freely around your house, allowing the remaining fleas to be attracted to them and get killed off by the treatments. Treat Yourself 1.Treat yourself with mosquito spray – Use bug spray containing DEET on your socks and ankles to prevent flea bites. You do not have preventative flea treatment coursing through your blood, so it is important to protect yourself from bites (which will just further the infestation). Continue using the spray until you aren’t seeing fleas jumping around. After 30 days it should be fine to stop using the spray, but if you start getting new bites it is important to start using bug spray again. 2.Clean all soft and flat surfaces thoroughly – Vacuum all soft surfaces thoroughly, making sure that the bag is disposed of immediately outside. Cleaning your smooth floors with something like Pine-Sol or diluted apple cider vinegar is a great way to get the fleas out of the holes or cracks in the floor to be killed by the spray or fogger. 3.Invest in a flea spray or fogger – Flea control sprays and foggers will kill the eggs and larvae before they have a chance to becoming producing adults on their own. Make sure that you have enough spray to cover all areas, especially the area in which a fogger cannot reach. It is also very important to follow all directions very carefully.
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